The Whispers of the Garden is a two-channel documentary-fiction moving image produced at the historical gardens of the Bois des Moutiers estate, France (1898). Through a poetic sequence, the film moves between the documentary, analytical and personal to reveal the rich history behind the gardens listed as a Monument historique (historical monument) and Jardin remarquable (Remarkable Garden of France). For the artist, Azadeh Fatehrad, the Bois des Moutiers gardens are beyond the typical understanding of a garden. Indeed, they lie at the intersection between Western and Eastern philosophies and, in this way, there is a constant duality in the layout of the gardens – their structure, as well as the ornaments and architecture found in them. The Whispers of the Garden reflects on the complex co-existence of materiality and spiritual life; transcendental emancipation and lavish libidinal joy; a hidden shelter and an exposed display case; the splendid lightness of days and the deadly deep darkness of nights; chaotic wild nature and the formality of lined plants; and the temporality of figures and the permanency of patterns evident at Bois des Moutiers. Fatehrad has adopted a cross-cultural approach to this historical research, looking at the artistic and aesthetic implications of Bois des Moutiers and their relation to our life today.