Sound Installation The Echo of Your Departures

The Echo of Your Departures

a five-channel sound and two-channel video, duration 00:05:24, St John’s College, Oxford, 2018

composure: Matthew Ward

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The Echo of Your Departures is a multimedia installation comprising a five-channel sound and two-channel video piece reflecting on Azadeh Fatehrad’s current research project Double Agency: The Formation of Diasporas. The installation has been inspired by a series of in-depth anthropological interviews in the context of women in diasporas, and covers questions regarding gender, identity, femininity, emotion, desire, fantasy, body language, clothing norms and moral values, among other things. Fatehrad, in collaboration with Matthew Ward, has taken fragments of the interview transcriptions and combined them with imaginary elements of self-reflection to create an ephemeral constellation (of sound and video) through which she seeks to represent the notions of uncertainty and in-betweeness in the diasporic experience.

‘The Echo of Your Departures’ is the result of a term residency at St John’s College, University of Oxford in collaboration with talented students of the college and with generous support from the staff. The SJC Choir including Sofia Kirwan-Baez, Elizabeth Davis, Laetitia Pilgrim, Margaret Lingas, Anne-Marie Lo, Abby Freeman, Lucy Huntsman, Kathryn Forkey, William Underwood, Cameron Di Leo, Alex Cui, Henry Cole, William Brettle, Thomas Channer, Andrew Wiseman, Philip Burnett.